HIV is a Virus that causes AIDS and this virus destroys CD4 cells that fight against Diseases. MASYAP visited different woman and youth support Groups were we discussed ways of prevent HIV as well ways in which a human can contract HIV
MASYAP Microfinance Follow Up Visits
MASYAP continues on the journey of empowering women economically in order to reduce poverty at the household level and to help the poor with setting up their own income generating businesses.
MASYAP Couple’s Workshop
On November 11, 2023, a couple’s workshop on HIV/AIDS awareness and counselling was held at Blantyre lodge in Blantyre District. MASYAP invited facilitators from John Hopkins. The workshop was attended by 20 couples and 2 facilitators and a Sheikh. The objective of the workshop was to educate married couples on the modes of transmission and preventive measures of HIV/AIDS.
MASYAP through its project Threads Of Care tailoring project ensures Educational advancement among rural girls and boys through provision of school uniforms in Malawi. The target for the first term 2023 is to provide school uniforms to 660 learners from
MASYAP Youth Chair Ladies’ Adventure
One of the biggest challenges for an organization is finding people with well-developed leadership skills. Understanding how to lead a team can make or break an organization. Being a leader means knowing how to solve problems, mediate conflicts and maintain
MASYAP HTS Programme
HIV/AIDS remains a major public health problem all over the world. Youth (15–24 years) are vulnerable to HIV because of the strong influence of peer pressure and the development of their sexual and social identities which often lead to experimentation.
MASYAP School Fees Programme
Aisha Billy from Bangwe nvula MASYAP support group in Blantyre District is now a holder of Diploma in nursing and midwifery Technician obtained from ST Joseph collage of health sciences from October 2019 to April 2023. She has benefited from
MASYAP Youth Programme
Through the sharing of experiences, they are able to offer support, encouragement and comfort to the other group members and receive the same in return. Some sessions we included HIV/AIDS Testing Services where a provider talked on personal hygiene and
MASYAP Microfinance Programme
MASYAP continues to asses microfinance beneficiary’s businesses so that they don’t only survive but thrive. Here each of them is given a chance to share their business operations, how they manage the businesses and debts. The challenges faced so far
Microfinance Training and Disbursement
As a way for the microfinance beneficiaries to manage well their capital and businesses, trainings are held before the disbursements to equip them with business knowledge, business management and savings strategies which include debt management so they are able to