Through the sharing of experiences, they are able to offer support, encouragement and comfort to the other group members and receive the same in return. Some sessions we included HIV/AIDS Testing Services where a provider talked on personal hygiene and
MASYAP Menstrual Hygiene Campaign
Menstruation is a natural and unavoidable part of the lives of women and girls. Accommodating the menstrual needs is a key issue for the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation.
MASYAP Youth Self-Awareness Event.
MASYAP, through the Youth Program organized a get-together function on 10th April 2023 at Chichiri secondary school hall in Blantyre District. The function was held under the theme: Self-awareness. Being self-aware is having a good knowledge and understanding of yourself
MASYAP Youth Chair Ladies Meeting
MASYAP holds meetings with the support group char ladies twice a year. These meetings are aimed at updating chair ladies on new developments from the office, giving feedback from previous queries and following up on how support groups are progressing.
MASYAP Youth Support Group Visit.
During the routine outreach programmes, MASYAP visited the Makungwa support group in Thyolo District. This is one of the support groups that have talented girls with tailoring skills as shown in the picture below:
MASYAP Youth Netball Match.
There was a friendly netball match between Bangwe Alasala and Bangwe Nvula support groups in Blantyre District. MASYAP focused on a netball match during one of the visits.
MASYAP Youth Outreach
These are routine outreach visits that are carried out on monthly basis with the aim of following up on their daily activities. The youth coordinator visits them to teach, encourage and make sure that all members are being treated equally.
MASYAP Youth Chairladies Meeting
This is a meeting where all the chairladies from all support groups are called to attend discussions pertaining their leadership and issues concerning their support groups. AIM The chairladies meeting always takes place twice a year with the purpose to
MASYAP School Fees Bursary Programme
MASYAP through its youth school fees programme disbursed school fees to girls that are on the programme as they are in the final term of the academic calendar. Apart from the school fees, MASYAP also works hand in hand with
MASYAP Youth Support Groups
These visits are aimed at civic-educating the girls on the preventive measures of HIV/AIDS. They are also encouraged to work hard in their studies as most of the members are young and school going. The support group visits strengthens the