A support group is a gathering of people facing common issues to share what’s troubling them. Through the sharing of experiences, they are able to offer support, encouragement and comfort to the other group members and receive the same in return. Some sessions we had an HTS provider who chatted with the girls on importance of hygiene and counseling on behaviors that may lead to the contraction and transmission of HIV/AIDS.
Many diseases and conditions can be prevented or controlled through appropriate personal hygiene and by regularly washing parts of the body and hair with soap and water. Good body hygiene can prevent the spread of hygiene-related diseases.
During the visits, school going girls and young mothers gather to share what’s troubling them. Through the sharing of experiences where they are able to offer support, encourage each other and comfort the other group members where it reciprocated. This is important as it benefits them in feeling less lonely, less Isolated, less Judged, Reduces distress, depression, anxiety and fatigue. Talking openly and honestly about their feelings,
Improve their ability to cope with challenges, stay motivated to manage chronic conditions and stick to treatment plans.