MASYAP continues to asses microfinance beneficiary’s businesses so that they don’t only survive but thrive. Here each of them is given a chance to share their business operations, how they manage the businesses and debts. The challenges faced so far
Microfinance Training and Disbursement
As a way for the microfinance beneficiaries to manage well their capital and businesses, trainings are held before the disbursements to equip them with business knowledge, business management and savings strategies which include debt management so they are able to
MASYAP Microfinance Follow-up Visits
Routine visits conducted after every loan disbursement to see the progress of the businesses and talk about the challenges being faced in line with the businesses. Thus helps the beneficiaries to properly manage their businesses and be able to repay
MASYAP Microfinance Programme: Training and Disbursement.
Women empowerment is one of the objectives of MASYAP. MASYAP aims at alleviating poverty for both women and youths that are infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Before members access the loan, they are trained on how to manage their businesses.
MASYAP Microfinance
Microfinance visits were carried out to see the progress of the businesses and to give them a push where they are failing along the line which was a success. Among them are these women from kameza and Bangwe Mvula support
MASYAP Microfinance Programme
Whether or not one agrees that microcredit improves sustained income, microloans do enhance women’s economic empowerment through other avenues. Demonstrated benefits include helping women self-support, job creation in the community, greater control of monetary assets by women, and income smoothing.
MASYAP Microfinance Programme
Women empowerment includes accepting women’s viewpoints or making an effort to seek them, raising the status of women through education, awareness, literacy and training. It equips and allows women to make life-determining decisions through the different problems in society. They
MASYAP Women Microfinance Programme
MASYAP, through its Microfinance programme, empowers women financially by giving them interest-free small loans. These women venture into different small-scale businesses which help them to provide for their families.
MASYAP New Support Groups.
Ngwelero, Mponda, Balakasi, Mapanga, Nseula and Mmiliwa are the newly established support groups from Zomba District. These support groups have also benefited from the microfinance programme.
MASYAP Women Microfinance
The microfinance trainings serve the same purposes of improving both the welfare of poor women and their businesses. The trainings help in reducing of default by women, increase the women’s business success while trainings on how to invest loans helps