The essence of this program is to assist the youth members in our support groups with school fees. We have the total of 35 students on our school fees program, from all support groups as follows: Chiradzulu and Mtendere support groups in Chiradzulu, Makwasa and Makungwa support groups in Thyolo and the rest are from within Blantyre.

MASYAP had a meeting together with  parents/guardians before the fees disbursement in order to remind them about the school fees bursary contract with MASYAP that if they fail to abide to any of the rules they will be dismissed from the programmed. One of the rules being submission of school fees payment receipts as proof of payment as well as the school progress report so that we can keep track of their school performance.

Parents/guardians are very grateful for the bursary programme. ‘Thank you for lifting the burden off my shoulders,. My granddaughter is intelligent but she could have dropped out of school due to lack of school fees’. Said Siffat’s grandmother.

MASYAP Youth School Fees Programme