The meeting was conducted on 14th of September 2021 with 60 support group chairladies. It was aimed at addressing issues that were raised during the previous meeting in April 2021 and also to remind them of the importance of working together with MASYAP in propagating the HIV/AIDS messages and encouraging each other in religious activities.
The women’s coordinator Sister Lennie Kachingwe addressed the audience. During the welcoming
remarks, Lennie reminded the chair ladies the following points:
– Aims and objectives of MASYAP
– MASYAP programs; HIV/AIDS Testing services, tailoring project, microfinance programme and the school
fees programme.
All in all the meeting went well and nothing was left without being discussed. However, on the issue of
sadaqat, MASYAP stressed that the assistance that is given to members is based on availability of resources.
Most of the assistance comes in bits and that is why not all members benefit at once. The same goes with the school
fees programme. Therefore, MASYAP assured the chair ladies that all the support groups will get the required
support from the office within our capability.