Soche Youth Group scooped the first position in the MASYAP Youth drama competition with their play, “PHUKUSI LA MOYO SAKUSUNGIRA NDI WINA” which is a local idiom for “LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE”.

The MASYAP Youth drama competition was conducted to encourage performing arts as a way of spreading HIV/AIDS messages to the popular masses.

All 30 MASYAP Youth Support Groups were involved in the competition.

Top 15 groups were selected to perform at a drama competition event on October 21, 2017 which saw the best three perfomances selected to perform on November 4, 2017 during the MASYAP Youth Annual General Meeting.

The best three competed for the first, second and third positions during the AGM.

Bangwe Mvula and Chigumula were second and third positions respectively.

Soche Youth Support Group Wins MASYAP Youth drama competition